A great weekend in Waldachtal-Heiligenbronn for all our horses. After 4️⃣ winning rounds 🥇 🥇 🥇 🥇 and a lot of placements, „Camillo“ finished 6️⃣️th at the 145cm with jump-off.
Our new arriver „Mr. Indoly Grey“, 11 years old gelding by „Indorado“ x „Cordalme Z“, won 🥇 the 130 cm.
„Galina“, our 7 years old mare, won 🥇 the 135 cm youngster-tour and „Dante RZ“ was 6️⃣️th at the final, 140 cm.
The 6 years old „Blue Way Z“ won 🥇 the final of the young-horse-class (125 cm) and was 3️⃣️rd 🥉at the 120 cm also. The other 6 years old „Hurry up“ was 6️⃣️th at the 120 cm and jumped great and was clear at the final.
„Camillo“ was our star of the week. After being 5️⃣️th at the opening class, he won 🥇the 140 cm on friday and finished 6️⃣️th at the 145 cm. What a horse! 🐎

27. August 2018